My Sweet Girls
Hailey Isabelle Burge was born 3 weeks early on June 6th, 2009. She weighed 7lbs and was too small for all the clothes we had . We were expecting a 9-10 lb baby :) I can't believe how small she is. Hailey is 1 month old now and is still wearing newborn clothes! Larry and I had a few days alone with her after leaving the hospital since Cadence was at the beach with her Nana, Pop pops, aunts, & uncles. 
Cadence has been a good big sister. She loves to help with just about everything and gives her "sissy" hugs and kisses before bed. It hasn't been perfect, but Cady is adjusting well to sharing the spotlight now. She also loves to sing all day long. Her favorite ones are ABC's, Row Row Row your boat, Wheel on the bike, Elmo world, & Bushel peck.
My girls have been lots of fun so far. I feel very lucky!
Hailey & Cady
Cady & Hailey
Cady, Mom, & Clay
Clay & Cady